Tuesday, December 1, 2009

Expect - for thus is fuelled life

It has become so laden these days with self imposed 'relationship' managers running amok! They will make you feel cringing on your having expectations from relationships. They 'expect' everyone to be a recluse and keep on their Karmic trajectory in the Gita recommended manner with no attachments towards fruit. Why? Why is expectation converted to such derogatory and grief inviting attitude? If an event of failure of expectations cause grief, can you deny the innumerable moments expectations bless you with the bliss of relaisation regarding your worth? Is it wrong for parents to expect that their offsprings will support them when they are old and dependent? Is it absurd for a child to expect that she will get unconditional / unjudgmental support from her parents? Why should it be considered silly if an acquintance unfolds itself to a matured relationship and sharing of little joys and deep griefs happen naturally? Should it be a sin if sexuality determines a relationship and heaven is experienced in conjunction?

My best and happiest moments, I realise now (having been relieved of this burden of 'to expect or not to expect' dilemma,  happened when I badly expected something to happen and IT HAPPENED. Moments of grief on not getting the expectation relaised fades out, can't even remember them for long.

So dear, expect. For thus is fuelled life.

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